Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s, Pre-Employment Screening Program: Improving Safety on America’s Roadways

2 min readOct 26, 2021


Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP)

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) launched the Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP) in 2010 to help motor carriers review drivers’ crash and inspection records. For over a decade, PSP has provided immediate online access to commercial drivers’ safety histories, with the drivers’ written authorization. PSP has increased roadway safety and helped save lives by enabling carriers to review and consider the crash and inspection history of driver job applicants before dispatching them out on the road as new hires.

A PSP record includes five years of crash data and three years of roadside inspection data. Reviewing a potential hire’s crash and inspection history can help identify “red flags,” such as past citations for phone use or texting while driving, speeding, or hours-of-service violations. This empowers an employer to decline a driver applicant or to tailor a training program specific to the areas that driver needs to improve.

According to a study released by FMCSA, the PSP positively impacts the safety of America’s roadways. The study shows that motor carriers using the PSP, have, on average, decreased crash rates by 8% and driver out-of-service (OOS) rates by 17%. PSP is a voluntary program that has grown into a widely adopted best practice across the motor carrier industry. This program is one way FMCSA seeks to help every roadway traveler reach their destination safely. Learn more about PSP at www.psp.fmcsa.dot.gov.




Written by FMCSA

Our primary mission is to prevent crashes, injuries and fatalities involving large trucks and buses.

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