Pursuing a Career as a Commercial Driver After Military Service?

2 min readJul 10, 2023


After your military service, if you are interested in a career as a truck or bus driver, you’ll want to know how your driving record data is captured and shared as you enter the commercial transportation industry.

The Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) established the Pre-employment Screening Program (PSP) to capture commercial driver crash and inspection histories of Commercial Driver Licensed(CDL) drivers. Many companies use PSP to screen new hires as part of its pre-employment review process, enabling employers to make better informed hiring decisions. As a commercial driver, you can use PSP to request and review your commercial driving record at any time. The PSP record includes the following:

  • 5 years of crash data
  • 3 years of roadside inspection data

Over 10% of commercial drivers in the U.S. have transitioned from military service to commercial truck and bus drivers.

Military saluting American flag.

You can also sign up to receive a free notification through PSP Monitoring each time your PSP record is updated. To learn more and enroll in PSP Monitoring, go to www.psp.fmcsa.dot.gov.

Graphic Reads: Pre-Employment Screening Program. Making roads safer — one hire at a time.




Written by FMCSA

Our primary mission is to prevent crashes, injuries and fatalities involving large trucks and buses.

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