Safe Driver Apprenticeship Pilot Program Moving in the Right Direction: Testimonials, Updates and Next Steps

3 min readAug 23, 2024


A Black man wearing a white t-shirt stands with his arms crossed in front of a dark semi-truck.

With just 15 months left until the end of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) Safe Driver Apprenticeship Pilot (SDAP) Program, there has been a noticeable increase in motor carrier and apprentice driver applications and program awareness. Through strategic outreach efforts such as targeted email blasts, social media, targeted advertising, and conference and event attendance, the word is certainly spreading about the possibilities and positive outcomes the SDAP Program has and can afford motor carriers and apprentice drivers.

FMCSA has received a couple recent SDAP Program testimonials from an approved SDAP Program motor carrier and an apprentice driver.

What Motor Carriers Are Saying

“The SDAP Program has been going good for us. Reporting and communications have been quick and smooth. We’ve had two drivers come to us through the program, and one is set to graduate and has been a really good success story and a long-term employee. The other driver is teaming up with his father and they both are enjoying the experience.”
- an Illinois-based approved SDAP Program motor carrier

What Apprentice Drivers Are Saying

“I’m able to gain my two years of road experience at (age) 18, that most companies require. (The SDAP Program) makes me more marketable, I’m able to travel, meet people, and learn the ropes.”
- a Wisconsin-based qualified SDAP Program apprenticeship driver.

It’s Not Too Late to Apply — Calling Motor Carriers and Apprentice Drivers

FMCSA will continue to target the following key stakeholders to amplify the SDAP Program and increase applications:

By the Numbers

Since launching in 2022, the SDAP Program, which allows drivers between ages 18 to 20 years old with an intrastate commercial driver’s license to operate in interstate commerce using a CMV under specific safety conditions and while under supervision, has enrolled:

  • 52 apprentice drivers, including 21 who have graduated and 8 who are in the probationary stages.
  • 44 motor carriers, including 15 with qualified and experienced apprentice drivers.
  • 2,359,134 vehicle miles traveled.

Latest activities

In June 2024, the SDAP Program presented an informational webinar which included an overview, participation requirements, updates, and next steps.

FMCSA staff also promoted the SDAP Program at several summer events, including the Texas Trucking Show in Houston, TX, The American School Counselor Association Annual Conference in Kansas City, MS, the Family Career and Community Leaders of America Annual Conference in Seattle, WA, and the Northeast Association of State Transportation Officials (NASTO) Conference in Manchester, NH, to name but a few.

Texas Trucking Show Staff: Justin Jones (Marketing Specialist); Jimmie Perkins (Safety Investigator); Matthey Pulley (Safety Investigator) ; Efrain Del Toro (Safety Investigator)
Texas Trucking Show Staff: Justin Jones (Marketing Specialist); Jimmie Perkins (Safety Investigator); Matthey Pulley (Safety Investigator) ; Efrain Del Toro (Safety Investigator)
Marketing Specialist Justin Jones speaks to a NASTO conference attendee who stops by the FMCSA booth in Manchester, NH.
Marketing Specialist Justin Jones speaks to a NASTO conference attendee who stops by the FMCSA booth in Manchester, NH.

Program Update

In March 2024, two previous program requirements were removed, which were:

  1. Requiring motor carriers to register their apprentice program with the U.S. Department of Labor
  2. Requiring motor carriers to have inward facing cameras.

Although the requirements were removed, motor carriers may voluntarily continue to register for the U.S. Department of Labor’s apprenticeship program and/or require inward facing cameras.

About the SDAP Program

The SDAP Program aims to help apprentice drivers explore interstate trucking careers and enable trucking companies to hire and train new drivers to reshape and bolster their workforce. The SDAP Program will assist FMCSA in gathering safety data to better inform the management and operation of the program going forward with the ultimate goal of increasing access to the CMV industry.




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