Understanding the Importance of Safe Driving in Hazardous Roadway Conditions

1 min readFeb 9, 2022


Plan to share the road safely in hazardous conditions, stay alert. Truck on road with illustrated caution sign.

Adverse driving conditions can make roadway travel challenging. Inclement weather is a contributing factor to why roadways become increasingly dangerous at times. Hazardous roadway conditions can impair a driver’s ability to safely maneuver a vehicle. Poor weather conditions lead to low tire traction, reduced visibility, and impaired judgment. If you must drive during adverse conditions, eliminate distractions while driving, check the weather that is on your route, and assure your vehicle’s tires, wipers, and headlights are up to date and working properly.

As we share our roads with large trucks and buses during hazardous roadway conditions, slow down, increase the following distance between yourself and larger vehicles, drive with your headlights on when weather or roadway conditions permit, and remember the large blind spots alongside, behind, and in front of large trucks and buses.

With FMCSA’s Our Roads, Our Safety suite of new shareable graphics, we can encourage all roadway users and CMV drivers to plan for safe driving in hazardous conditions. Download your graphics today from https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/ourroads/shareable-graphics.




Written by FMCSA

Our primary mission is to prevent crashes, injuries and fatalities involving large trucks and buses.

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