Winners of 2023 Road Safety Student Art Contest Announced by U.S. Department of Transportation

2 min readSep 20, 2023


The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is proud to announce and congratulate the winners of the 2023 Road Safety Student Art Contest via a video from FMCSA Administrator Robin Hutcheson.

“The colorful vision and imagination we saw in this year’s art pieces were remarkable,” said Hutcheson in congratulating the winners. “To translate an idea into a meaningful design is challenging and we’re thrilled to display the final products.”

Each year, students ranging from kindergarten through high school are invited to enter the Road Safety Art Contest and use their artistic skills to raise awareness about how to stay safe on the road, particularly when driving, biking, or walking around large trucks and buses.

The winning artwork of the following 12 students will be displayed in the U.S. Department of Transportation headquarters building in Washington, D.C., as well as featured in the 2024 Road Safety Student Art calendar that will be available later this year.

Grades K-2 winners:

· Grand Prize — Ewan Park, Texas

· People’s Choice — Manaswin Daripally, North Carolina

· Honorable Mention — Mazherah Cohen, Florida

Grades 3–5 winners:

· Grand Prize — Brandon Lee, California

· People’s Choice– Natalie Ng, Texas

· Honorable Mention– Noelle Cho, Illinois

Grades 6–8 winners:

· Grand Prize — Austin Wong, California

· People’s Choice — Noah Cho, Illinois

· Honorable Mention — Michelle Jin, New Jersey

Grade 9–12 winners:

· Grand Prize — Sanjay Ravishankar, New Jersey

· People’s Choice — Christie Bae, Virginia

· Honorable Mention — Alex Yoon, Oklahoma

The contest is an initiative under FMCSA’s Our Roads, Our Safety® partnership, which comprises more than 30 governmental, safety, industry, and private organizations. Through this effort, young artists remind all road users about the shared responsibility we all have to keep America’s roadways safe. With fatal crashes on the rise, increasing road safety awareness is a priority for DOT as part of its National Roadway Safety Strategy.

To learn more about the Road Safety Student Art Contest and see high-resolution versions of the winning entries, visit




Our primary mission is to prevent crashes, injuries and fatalities involving large trucks and buses.